YouTube recording:
The online Graphs and Matroids seminar will meet over Zoom every other Thursday, starting on Jan 19 with a talk by Johannes Carmesin. We hope to see you there!
Time: Thursday, Jan 19, 3pm EST (8pm GMT, 9am Fri NZDT)
Speaker: Johannes Carmesin, University of Birmingham
Title: Dual matroids of 2-complexes
Abstract: A fundamental theorem in matroid theory is Whitney’s theorem, saying that a graph is planar if and only if the dual of its cycle matroid is graphic. Like plane graphs, 2-complexes C embedded in 3-space have dual graphs; their vertices are the chambers of the embedding and two chambers are adjacent if they share a face. This dual graph of C can be described through a dual matroid of the 2-complex C. How can Whitney’s theorem be extended to 2-complexes?