This post contains a list of our content from 2020 for easy access. The online talks will resume on January 11 with a talk by Stephan Kreutzer from TU Berlin. Thanks to everyone who participated in the open problems session – it was great seeing the problems and seeing you there! Have a good winter break.
Blog posts:
- Short rainbow cycles in graphs and matroids
- The geometry of cocircuits and circuits. A tombeau for Henry Crapo 1933 — 2019
- Carmesin’s 3-dimensional version of Whitney’s planarity criterion
- Almost every sparse paving matroid contains M(K4) or W3 as a minor
- The World of Clean Clutters, I: Ideal Clutters
- The rank-3 excluded minors for GF(5)-representability
- The q-analogue of a matroid
Online talks [also see the Youtube playlist]:
April 16: James Oxley, The binary matroids with no odd circuits of size exceeding five
April 27: Dillon Mayhew, Definability and non-definability for classes of matroids
May 4: Nathan Bowler, Quasi-graphic matroids
May 11: Rudi Pendavingh, Counting valuated matroid types
May 25: Peter Nelson, Extensions and coextensions of cliques
June 1: Iain Moffatt, The Tutte polynomial of a delta-matroid and the world of graph polynomials
June 8: Relinde Jurrius, q-Analogues in combinatorics
June 8: Relinde Jurrius, q-Analogues in combinatorics
June 15: Rutger Campbell, Matroids doing algebra
June 22: Matthew Kwan, Halfway to Rota’s basis conjecture
July 6: Marthe Bonamy, Graph classes and their Asymptotic Dimension
July 13: Federico Ardila, Geometry of Matroids
July 20: Pascal Gollin, Obstructions for bounded branch-depth in matroids
July 20: Pascal Gollin, Obstructions for bounded branch-depth in matroids
July 27: Zach Walsh, Quadratically Dense Matroids
Aug 3: Jim Geelen, Towards the excluded-minors for GF(5)-representability
Aug 10: Yelena Yuditsky, Typical structure of hereditary graph families
Aug 17: Sophie Spirkl, A graph-based introduction to the chromatic symmetric function
Aug 10: Yelena Yuditsky, Typical structure of hereditary graph families
Aug 17: Sophie Spirkl, A graph-based introduction to the chromatic symmetric function
Aug 24: Ahmad Abdi, Ideal clutters and dyadic fractional packings
Aug 31: Tony Huynh, Subgraph densities in a surface
Sep 7: Matt Baker, Foundations of Matroids without Large Uniform Minors, Part 1
Sep 14: Oliver Lorscheid, Foundations of Matroids without Large Uniform Minors, Part 2
Sep 25: Alexey Pokrovskiy, Rota’s Basis Conjecture holds asymptotically
Sep 28: Daniel Cranston, Vertex Partitions into an Independent Set and a Forest with Each Component Small
Oct 5: Lorenzo Traldi, Isotropic matroids and circle graphs
Oct 19: Erik Panzer, The Hepp bound of a matroid: flags, volumes and integrals
Oct 26: Rose McCarty, Colouring pseudo-visibility graphs
Nov 2: Attila Joó, The Matroid Intersection Conjecture of Nash-Williams
Nov 9: James Davies, Geometric intersection graphs with large girth and chromatic number
Nov 16: Jakob Kneip, Tangles are decided by weighted vertex sets
Nov 23: Sarah Allred, Unavoidable induced subgraphs of large 2-connected graphs
Nov 30: Johannes Carmesin, Matroids and embedding graphs in surfaces
Dec 7: Sergey Norin, Densities of minor-closed graph classes
Dec 14: Open problems session