Postdoc positions at the IBS Discrete Mathematics Group, South Korea

The IBS Discrete Mathematics Group (DIMAG) in Daejeon, Korea invites applications for two postdoctoral research fellowship positions.


DIMAG is a research group that was established in December 1, 2018 at the Institute for Basic Science (IBS), led by Prof. Sang-il Oum. DIMAG is located at the headquarters of the Institute for Basic Science (IBS) in Daejeon, South Korea, a city of 1.5 million people. 

The position is available for individuals who are within the first five years after obtaining their Ph.D. at the date of appointment or expecting to obtain a Ph.D. within three months from the date of appointment. Successful candidates for postdoctoral research fellowship positions will be new or recent Ph.D.’s with outstanding research potential in all fields of discrete mathematics with emphasis on structural graph theory, extremal graph theory, combinatorial optimization, matroid theory, or fixed-parameter tractable algorithms.

This appointment is for two years, and the starting salary is no less than KRW 57,000,000. The appointment is one time renewable up to 3 years in total contingent upon the outstanding performance of the researcher. The expected appointment date is September 1, 2022. This is a purely research position and will have no teaching duties.

A complete application packet should include:

  1. AMS standard cover sheet (preferred) or cover letter (PDF format)
  2. Curriculum vitae including a publication list (PDF format)
  3. Research statement (PDF format)
  4. Consent to Collection and Use of Personal Information (PDF file)
  5. At least 3 recommendation letters

For full consideration, applicants should email items 1, 2, 3, and 4 and arrange their recommendation letters emailed to by December 5, 2021, Sunday.

Recommendations letters forwarded by an applicant will not be considered.

DIMAG encourages applications from individuals of diverse backgrounds.

Online Talk: Evelyne Smith-Roberge

Tuesday, Sept 14, 3pm ET (8pm BST, 7am Wed NZST)
Evelyne Smith-Roberge, University of Waterloo
A local choosability theorem for planar graphs

Two famous theorems of Thomassen show that every planar graph is 5-choosable, and that every planar graph of girth at least five is 3-choosable. These theorems are best possible for uniform list assignments: Voigt gave a construction of a planar graph that is not 4-choosable, and of a planar graph of girth four that is not 3-choosable. In this talk, I will introduce the concept of a local girth list assignment: a list assignment wherein the list size of each vertex depends not on the girth of the graph, but only on the length of the shortest cycle in which the vertex itself is contained. I will present a local choosability theorem for planar graphs that unifies the two theorems of Thomassen mentioned above. Joint work with Luke Postle.