Oscar Vega recently informed me of the following vacancy at California State University Fresno:
The Department of Mathematics in the College of Science and Mathematics at California State University, Fresno seeks applicants for a tenure- track, academic year position starting at the level of Assistant Professor. The successful candidate will teach, supervise and advise undergraduate and graduate students according to departmental needs; conduct scholarly research in the area(s) of Combinatorial/Discrete Geometry or Algebraic Geometry resulting in peer-reviewed publications, presentations and external grant submissions; and engage in service-related activities. Primary teaching responsibilities include mathematics courses at both the undergraduate and at the graduate level, and project/thesis advising of students in the Masters of Arts in Mathematics program. Special consideration will be given to applicants with research interests overlapping current areas of research in the department.
all applicants must submit an application online at
no later than December 1, 2016, when we begin reviewing applications.
Interested individuals can find out more about California State University, Fresno by going to the university website at
The university also has a website for New/Prospective Faculty at
that provides information not only on the university but also on the greater Fresno-Clovis Metropolitan Area. Vacancy announcements for all full-time faculty positions can be located at